- Type: Linear analog output
- Range: 0-.5KPa, 0-15KPa, etc. (depending on model), 0-5V
- Manufacturer: Freescale
- Distributor: Digikey Mouser Newark Jameco
- Cost: $15
- Datasheet
These sensors have little ports on them that you can connect a plastic tube to. When the air pressure into the tube increases, the sensor output goes up linearly as well. You can connect a balloon to the port through a tube and then squeeze the balloon, or blow directly into it.
- Type: Log. resistive (10M to 1K, match with 10K)
- Range: Maximum 3 kgf (0.5 to 5V)
- Manufacturer: CUI "SF-X"
- Cost: $7
- Distributors: Digikey
- Datasheet
Use this with the resistive sensor board. (Not available any more???)
- Type: Log. resistive (untested, can someone tell me the resistance range?)
- Range: Unknown, will test soon
- Cost: $7
- Manufacturer: Interlink Electronics
- Distrbutors: Phigets
- Datasheet from Interlink
Phidgets (which makes a USB/sensor platform) has some FSRs in their store, I havent tried them but I'm sure they work great..I'll test them out and get back with the proper matching resistor.
- Type: Log. resistive (50M to 500K, match with 2Meg (or larger) resistor)
- Range: 0-1 lb, 0-25 lb or 0-100 lb depending on which model (marked on sensor too)
- Manufacturer: Flexiforce
- Cost: $20
- Distributors: ImagesSI, Parallax
- Datasheet
Use this with the resistive sensor board.
- Type: Log. resistive (8K to 40K), match with 75K resistor
- Range: 1.5V to 5V (300 to 1024 in a 1024 range)
- Manufacturer: "Abrams Gentile Entertainment" (Possibly traife?)
- Cost: $10
- Datasheet: ?
- Distributors: ImagesSI, Jameco, eBay
- More info: Teleo Cookbook
These sensors are basically large variable resistors. Unbent, the sensor looks like a ~10K resistor. When bent, the resistance increases up to ~40K. Use this with the resistive sensor board.