Pattern Play Mode
Pattern Play Loop
The pattern play loop looks like this:
Read any input from the switches
If the function has changed, stop and exit
If we are in master sync mode, handle tap tempo
Start a new chain if the chain key was just pressed
Finalize chain mode once chain is released
Display Somthing…
If we are in the middle of chain mode, then display the current chain and add patterns/tracks OR
If up/down is pressed handle pitch shift OR
Display the current data
Or Handle Playback
If the pitch shift keys are released, stop blinking the leds
If they changed the pattern/track build a chain one pattern long to the new pattern/track
Display the current (and next if applicable) track
If we are playing and have midi or din sync handle the sync through clock ticks and play the note with
if we get a Midi Song Select message, set it to the current pattern/track
if we get a stop message (midi, dyn, r/s) then stop
if we get a go message then start playing
toggle slide if slide button pressed
toggle accent if accent button pressed
toggle rest if rest button pressed
CodeRefactoring: This function seems rather smelly (large method, lots of complex conditionals). From a maintainability and readability standpoint it would be nice to do the "Replace conditional with function" and "Decompose Function" on this monster function to turn it into a bunch of small pieces.