A "bill of materials", often abbreviated to BOM, is what it says: it is a list of materials, in this case it is the list of all components and parts in the kit.
You can download a PDF version of the x0xb0x BOM here: x0xb0x_bom.pdf
Thanks to control voltage for putting this together.
Description | Qty | Part Number | Distributor | Part Locations: | |
ABS Case | 1 | Pactec PT-10 | Mouser, PacTec | kind of obvious | |
Set of main and I/O panels | 1 | Custom | attached to the case | ||
Set of main and I/O PCBs | 1 | Custom | inside the case | ||
9VAC 300-500mA wall wart | 1 | Generic | Jameco | plugged in | |
15/32" x 1/4" x 4-40 standoff | 3 | Generic | McMaster | mounted to main PCB | |
3/8" x 1/4" x 4-40 standoff | 4 | Generic | McMaster | mounted to main PCB | |
4-40 lock washer | 7 | Generic | McMaster | ||
4-40 washer | 4 | Generic | McMaster | ||
4-40 x 1/4" hex button | 7 | McMaster | |||
4-40 x 1/4" phillips button | 7 | McMaster | |||
4-40 x 1/4" phillips cheesehead (i swear its called that) | 4 | Comes with case | |||
Rubber feet | 4 | Comes with case | bottom of case | ||
Switch cap (white) | 8 | 401-1155 | Digikey | ||
Switch cap (black) | 15 | 401-1152 | Digikey | ||
Potentiometer knob | 8 | 450-4760 | Mouser | ||
Switch knob | 2 | 5164-1510 | Mouser | ||
Heat sink (TO-220) | 1 | 532-574502b00 | Mouser | mount to IC20 | |
40-pin DIP socket | 1 | 571-3902625 | Mouser | IC3* (socket into PCB, IC into socket) | |
8-pin DIP socket | 1 | 571-3902612 | Mouser | IC2* (ditto above) | |
1/4" stereo jack | 3 | 568-nys216 | Mouser | MIXOUT, MIXIN, HEADPHONE | |
1/8" jack | 2 | cp-3536n | Digikey | CV, GATE | |
2.1mm power jack | 1 | cp-202a | Digikey | POWER | |
USB type-B jack | 1 | 154-2442 | Mouser | USB | |
MIDI/DINSYNC jack | 4 | cp-2350 | Digikey | DIN1-DIN4 | |
Toggle switch | 1 | 633-b12ab | Mouser | S1 | |
Rotary encoder | 1 | ct3011 | Digikey | S2 | |
16 position rotary switch | 2 | gh3074 | Digikey | S3, S4 | |
Tact switch | 23 | eg1821 | Digikey | S5-S27 | |
Solid ~20-gauge wire. (Supply this yourself) | 1 | Generic | used to anchor S3, S4 | ||
jumper ribbon cable | FixMe 6 wire OR 9 wire and 6 wire 4 OR 2 x 9c and 1x 6c | WM09-06, WM06-06, WM03-06 | Digikey | J1-J4 | |
0.22" LED standoff | 40 | 593-STD240B | Mouser | LED1*-LED40* (mounted onto LEDs) | |
Red 5mm LED | 40 | Generic | LED1-LED40 | ||
1N4001 | 4 | Generic | D40-D43 (PowerSupply) | ||
1N4148 | 29 | Generic | D1-D10(Sequencer); D24(VCF); D25, D30, D31(VCO); D27, D35, D36(VCA); D26, D28, D29, D34, D37(Envelope); D32, D33(Mixer); D44-D47(PowerSupply); D48(IOBoard); | ||
10 ohm 5% resistor | 2 | Generic | R186, R164 (IOBoard) | ||
22 ohm 5% resistor | 2 | Generic | R20 (IOBoard); R150 (Envelope) | ||
27 ohm 5% resistor | 2 | Generic | R6, R7 (IOBoard) | ||
100 ohm 5% resistor | 7 | Generic | R1(PowerSupply); R16(IOBoard); R95(VCF); R130, R132(VCA); R136(Mixer); R152(Envelope) | ||
220 ohm 5% resistor | 5 | Generic | R13-R15, R18, R19 (IOBoard) | ||
470 ohm 5% resistor | 1 | Generic | R12 (IOBoard) | ||
1K 5% resistor | 4 | Generic | R2 (PowerSupply); R17(IOBoard); R137(Envelope); R161(Mixer) | ||
1.5K 5% resistor | 1 | Generic | R8 (IOBoard) | ||
1.8K 5% resistor | 1 | Generic | R179 (PowerSupply) | ||
2.2K 5% resistor | 19 | Generic | R21-R24(IOBoard); R67, R68, R69, R70, R71, R98, R108, R124, R125, R126(VCF); R104, R107(VCO); R133, R162(VCA); R178(PowerSupply) | ||
4.7K 5% resistor | 2 | Generic | R9(IOBoard); R135(Mixer) | ||
6.8K 5% resistor | 1 | Generic | R3 (PowerSupply) | ||
10K 5% resistor | 94 | Generic | R10, R11(IOBoard); R34, R36, R105, R101(VCO); R47, R61, R64, R65, R94, R96, R97, R109, R112, R115, R116(VCF); R142, R143, R144, R145, R148, R149(Envelope); R201-R234, R237-R270 (Sequencer) | ||
22K 5% resistor | 10 | Generic | R45, R60(VCO); R110, R111(VCF); R117, R146, R151(Envelope); R120, R129, R134(VCA) | ||
33K 5% resistor | 1 | Generic | R159 (Mixer) | ||
47K 5% resistor | 4 | Generic | R46(VCF); R155(Mixer); R119, R127(VCA) | ||
68K 5% resistor | 1 | Generic | R138 (Envelope) | ||
100K 5% resistor | 24 | Generic | R25-R28(IOBoard); R35, R93, R92, R59, R102, R118(VCO); R66, R72, R73, R99, R113, R114(VCF); R139, R140, R141(Envelope); R122(VCA); R153, R154, R156, R165(Mixer) | ||
220K 5% resistor | 8 | Generic | R62, R63(VCF); R103(VCO); R121, R128, R131(VCA); R235, R236(Sequencer) | ||
1MEG 5% resistor | 2 | Generic | R91(VCO); R200(Sequencer) | ||
1.5MEG 5% resistor | 1 | Generic | R123 (VCA) | ||
2.4K 1% resistor (red yellow black brown brown) | 1 | Generic | R5 (PowerSupply) | ||
5.6K 1% resistor (green blue black brown brown) | 1 | Generic | R4 (PowerSupply) | ||
24K 1% resistor (red yellow black red brown) | 1 | Generic | R106 (VCO) | ||
200K 1% resistor | 17 | Generic | R74-R90 (VCO) | ||
2K (202) trim potentiometer | 1 | 306uc202b | Digikey | TM6 (PowerSupply) | |
5K (502) trim potentiometer | 1 | 306uc502b | Digikey | TM5 (VCO) | |
50K (503) trim potentiometer | 1 | 306uc503b | Digikey | TM4 (VCO) | |
500K (504) trim potentiometer | 1 | 306uc504b | Digikey | TM3 (VCF) | |
50K D (log) potentiometer | 3 | p3l2503 | Digikey | VR3, VR5(VCF); VR8(Mixer) | |
50K B (linear) potentiometer | 2 | p3k1503 | Digikey | VR2 (VCO); VR7(VCA) | |
50K B (linear) dual potentiometer | 1 | 317-2202-50k | Mouser | VR4 (VCF) | |
1Meg A (log) dual potentiometer | 1 | 317-2102-1M | Mouser | VR6 (Envelope) | |
1K PTC Thermistor | 2 | /732278 | Newark/Farnell | R100A, R100B (VCO) | |
.001uF (2A102K) capacitor | 3 | 140-pm2a102k | Mouser | C34(VCO); C100, C101(Sequencer) | |
.0068uF (2A682K) capacitor | 1 | 140-pf2a682k | Mouser | C47 (Mixer) | |
.01uF (2A103K) capacitor | 5 | 140-pm2a103k | Mouser | C33, C10(VCO); C21, C20(VCA); C46(Mixer) | |
.018uF (2A183K) polyester capacitor | 1 | 140-pf2a183k | Mouser | C18 (VCF) | |
.033uF (2A333K) polyester capacitor | 5 | 140-pm2a333k | Mouser | C19, C24, C26(VCF); C36(VCA); C201(IOBoard) | |
.047uF (2A473K) capacitor | 1 | 140-pm2a473k | Mouser | C54 (Envelope) | |
.068uF (2A683K) capacitor | 1 | 140-pf2a683k | Mouser | C45 (Mixer) | |
.1uF (2A104K) capacitor | 3 | 140-pm2a104k | Mouser | C25, C27(VCF); C41(VCA) | |
.1uF (104) ceramic | 16 | 581-sr205e104m | Mouser | C1, C2, C4, C6(PowerSupply); C202, C204(IOBoard); C103, C104, C106-C113 (Sequencer) | |
.22uF (2A224K) polyester capacitor | 1 | 140-pm2a224k | Mouser | C35 (VCO) | |
1uF electrolytic capacitor | 13 | 140-xrl50v1.0 | Mouser | C11(VCO); C13, C14, C15, C17, C22, C23, C29(VCF); C38(VCA); C58, C59, C56(Mixer); C105(Sequencer) | |
1uF (105) tantalum capacitor | 2 | 399-1429 | Digikey | C62(Envelope); C42(VCA) | |
2.2uF electolytic capacitor | 1 | 140-xrl50v2.2 | Mouser | C51 (Mixer) | |
10uF electrolytic capacitor | 13 | 140-xrl16v10 | Mouser | C60, C61(PowerSupply); C31, C32(VCO); C16, C30(VCF); C72(Envelope); C37, C40(VCA); C50, C52(Mixer); C203, C205 (IOBoard) | |
47uF electrolytic capacitor | 4 | 140-xrl16v47 | Mouser | C28(VCF); C55(Envelope); C44, C53(Mixer) | |
100uF 10V electrolytic capacitor | 3 | 140-xrl25v100 | Mouser | C48, C49(Mixer); C102(Sequencer) | |
100uF 25V electrolytic capacitor | 2 | 140-xrl10v100 | Mouser | C7, C8 (PowerSupply) | |
1000uF electrolytic capacitor | 1 | 140-xrl10v1000 | Mouser | C43 (Mixer) | |
2200uF electolytic capacitor | 2 | 140-xrl16v2200 | Mouser | C3, C5 (PowerSupply) | |
4066 analog switch | 1 | Generic | IC12 (VCO) | ||
74AC174 | 1 | Generic | IC9 (VCO) | ||
74HC126 | 1 | Generic | IC1 (Sequencer) incorrect in fab as 74ac129 | ||
74AC165 | 3 | Generic | IC16-IC18 (Sequencer) | ||
74HC595 | 5 | Generic | IC4-IC8 (Sequencer) incorrect in fab as 74ac595 | ||
2SA733P, TO-92 PNP transistor | 10 | 2SA733P | Mouser | Q8, Q27(VCO); Q9, Q10(VCF); Q36, Q38(Envelope); Q1*, Q2*, Q31(VCA); Q33(mixer) | |
2SC536F, TO-92 NPN transistor | 24 | Rare | Q29, Q30, Q25, Q24(VCO); Q11, Q13, Q14, Q15, Q16, Q17, Q18, Q19, Q20, Q23(VCF); Q35, Q37, Q40, Q41(Envelope); Q3*, Q4*, Q32(VCA); Q34(Mixer); Q50(IOBoard); Q5(Sequencer) | ||
2SK30 JFET | 2 | Rare | Some kits have a 2SK30AY and a 2SK30AO, see the instructions for which one to put where. | ||
AN6562 8-DIP dual Op-Amp | 2 | Rare | IC23 (PowerSupply); IC11 (VCO) | ||
2SC2291 5-SIP matched pair with common base | 1 | Rare | Q22 (VCF) | ||
2SC1583 5-SIP matched pair with common emitter | 3 | Rare | Q12, Q21(VCF); Q26(VCO) | ||
LA4140 9-SIP | 1 | Rare | IC14 (Mixer) | ||
BA6110 9-SIP | 1 | Rare | IC15B* (VCA) | ||
BA662A 9-SIP | (optional) | Extremely rare | IC15A* (VCA) - highly unlikely | ||
ATmega162 microcontroller | 1 | Atmega162-40PI | Digikey (for programmed version, Adafruit) | IC3 (Sequencer) | |
25C33 EEPROM | 1 | cat25c33p | Mouser | IC2 (Sequencer) | |
7805 voltage regulator (TO-220) | 1 | 512-mc78m05ct | Mouser | IC20 (PowerSupply) | |
7806 voltage regulator (TO-92) | 1 | 513-Njm78l06a | Mouser | IC21 (PowerSupply) | |
LM336Z-5.0 5V voltage reference (TO-92) | 1 | lm336z-5.0 | Digikey | IC22 (PowerSupply) | |
4N37 optoisolator | 1 | 512-4n37 | Mouser | IC24 (IOBoard) | |
FT232 USB chip | 1 | FT232BM | Mouser | IC25 (IOBoard) | |
6MHz ceramic resonator | 1 | 815-awcr-6.00md | Mouser | XTL2 (IOBoard) | |
16MHz ceramic resonator | 1 | 815-awcr-16.00md | Mouser | XTAL1 (Sequencer) |