We use the Back in stock notifications plugin for zencart.
The plugin itself works out of the box, and the installation instructions are easy enough to follow, but there are a few modifications to be made that we think makes it better.
We used Securimage, which also works quite well as advertised.
Install Securimage somewhere on your webserver, and make these modifications to the Back in stock notifications plugin.
In includes/modules/pages/back_in_stock_notification_subscribe/header.php Line 56 Add
include("PATH_TO_YOUR_SECURIMAGE_PHP"); $securimg = new Securimage(); $valid = $securimg->check($_POST['captcha_text']);
(Obviously, you ned to replace PATH_TO_YOUR_SECURIMAGE_PHP with your own path)
Then find Line 74
else if (strtolower($_POST['email']) != strtolower($_POST['cofnospam'])) { $form_errors['cofnospam'] = BACK_IN_STOCK_NOTIFICATION_FORM_ERROR_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DOESNT_MATCH; }
and replace with
else if (strtolower($_POST['email']) != strtolower($_POST['cofnospam'])) { $form_errors['cofnospam'] = BACK_IN_STOCK_NOTIFICATION_FORM_ERROR_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DOESNT_MATCH; } else if (!isset($_POST['captcha_text']) || $valid == false) { $form_errors['captcha'] = BACK_IN_STOCK_NOTIFICATION_FORM_ERROR_CAPTCHA; }
in includes/languages/english/backin_stock_notification_subscribe.php add
define('BACK_IN_STOCK_NOTIFICATION_FORM_ERROR_CAPTCHA', 'Please verify the text on the right!');
in includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/inc.html.back_in_stock_notifications.html Add wherever you want the captcha to show up (we choose L36&L113 right afer the submit button)
<img style="float: right;" src="securimage_show.php" /> <ceon:if isset="captcha_error"><p class="alert"><ceon:variable name="captcha_error">Please verify the text on the right!</ceon:variable></p></ceon:if> <label class="inputLabel" for="captcha_label"><ceon:variable name="captcha_label">Verify text</ceon:variable>:</label> <input type="text" size="35" maxlength="96" name="captcha_text" />
By default, the sendBackInStockNotifications() functions sends notifications to everyone who has subscribed to any item that is back in stock.
In order to make it so you can send notifications to people who are subscribed only to certain item,
in admin/includes/functions/back_in_stock_notifications_functions.php line 32 replace
function sendBackInStockNotifications($test_mode = false)
function sendBackInStockNotifications($test_mode = false, $products_id = 0)
and replace
$email_addresses_query_raw = " SELECT bisns.email_address, bisns.name, c.customers_email_address, c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname FROM " . TABLE_BACK_IN_STOCK_NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIPTIONS . " bisns LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p ON p.products_id = bisns.product_id LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " c ON c.customers_id = bisns.customer_id WHERE p.products_quantity > 0 GROUP BY email_address, customers_email_address ORDER BY email_address, customers_email_address";
if( $products_id == 0) { $email_addresses_query_raw = " SELECT bisns.email_address, bisns.name, c.customers_email_address, c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname FROM " . TABLE_BACK_IN_STOCK_NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIPTIONS . " bisns LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p ON p.products_id = bisns.product_id LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " c ON c.customers_id = bisns.customer_id WHERE p.products_quantity > 0 GROUP BY email_address, customers_email_address ORDER BY email_address, customers_email_address"; } else { $email_addresses_query_raw = " SELECT bisns.email_address, bisns.name, c.customers_email_address, c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname FROM " . TABLE_BACK_IN_STOCK_NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIPTIONS . " bisns LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p ON p.products_id = bisns.product_id LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " c ON c.customers_id = bisns.customer_id WHERE p.products_quantity > 0 AND p.products_id = " . (int)$products_id . " GROUP BY email_address, customers_email_address ORDER BY email_address, customers_email_address"; }
You can now make an admin page that will send notifications only to people subscribed to a certain product by calling sendBackInStockNotifications(false, YOUR_PID).