===== x0xd0x =====
This is a [[:wiki:wiki]] about the [[http://www.ladyada.net/make/x0xb0x|x0xb0x]], a DIY analog synth built by LadyAda of Adafruit Industries.
**Technical Information**\\
[[SchematicOverviews]] of the [[PowerSupply]], [[AnalogSynthesizer]], [[VoltageControlledOscillator]], [[VoltageControlledFilter]], [[EnvelopeGenerator]], [[VoltageControlledAmplifier]], [[HeadphoneAndMixer]], [[DigitalSequencer]], [[MidiAndSync]], [[Transistors]]
Overviews of the FirmWare and Software (including the BootLoader app and [[C0ntr0l]] app)
**[[GettingYourX0xb0x]] and [[ShippingCosts]] and [[ReplacementParts]]**
**[[Fabrication]] instructions** including a guide on [[MakingItATrueClone]], [[Testing]] instructions and suggestions, plus a step by step of each section.
**[[Mods]]** you can perform on your x0xb0x, by section ([[PsMods]], [[VcoMods]], [[VcfMods]], [[EnvelopeMods]], [[VcaMods]], [[SequencerMods]], [[FinishingMods]] including [[FrontPanelMods]])
**Tips on [[Playing]]** your x0xb0x
**x0xb0x [[Manual]]**
See Also [[CategoryCategory]] for a list of topics covered by this wiki.
This wiki is set up to help x0xb0xers in the building, testing, and modding of the box. It also will serve as a jumping point for people to learn more about electronics. For more information about the scope of this wiki, see [[WikiMission]].
Because this is a wiki, you should Feel free to add or modify information... x0xd0x needs you! Jump in! Start editing! Add your self to the [[.users:users]] page, and introduce yourself. If you are unsure about where to begin, see the [[WikiToDo]] page. If you are new to the whole concept of a wiki, a good place to learn more is at [[OneMinuteWiki]].
* //2007-07-30// - After much hassle, and laziness, I have moved the wiki to ladyada.net. If there are any issues you can post to the Forums or email, etc. Whee.