==== ====
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/yellow.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/yellow_t.jpg?nolink&500x385 |}}]]
Adding a character display to your project or computer has never been easier with the new Adafruit USB or TTL serial backpack! This custom-designed PCB sits on the back of[[http://www.adafruit.com/category/63_96| any 'standard' character LCD (16x2 or 20x4 sized)]] and does everything you could want: printing text, automatic scrolling, setting the backlight, adjusting contrast, making custom characters, turning on and off the cursor, etc. It can even handle our RGB backlight LCDs with full 8-bit PWM control of the backlight. That means you can change the background color to anything you want - red, green, blue, pink, white, purple yellow, teal, salmon, chartreuse, or just leave it off for a neutral background. \\
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/purple.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/purple_t.jpg?nolink&500x385 |}}]]
\\ Inside the backpack is an USB-capable AT90USB162 chip that listens for commands both a mini-B USB port and a TTL serial input wire. The USB interface shows up as a COM/serial port on Windows/Mac/Linux. The backpack will automatically select data from whichever input is being used. For the USB connection, it will work at any baud rate. For the TTL connection, the default baud rate is 9600 but you can send it a command to set the baud rate to 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 28800, or 57600 baud. (The baud rate is flashed on the LCD during powerup). Any customizations such as baud rate, backlight color, brightness, splash screen, etc. are stored permanently EEPROM. \\ \\ The command interface is compatible with the popular "Matrix Orbital" specifications so this backpack will work perfectly with computer applications or libraries that are expecting a "Matrix" LCD. We added a few extra commands for the RGB backlight and setting the LCD size. If you don't want to use the commands, you can just start sending ASCII to the LCD and it will magically appear as typed.
**[[http://www.adafruit.com/category/63_96|Pick up one from the Adafruit shop today!]] \\ **
==== USB or TTL Serial ====
There are two interfaces for transmitting data to the backpack: USB and Serial. USB is the easiest: simply plug a mini-B cable from the backpack to a computer to power and connect. The backpack will appear as a "USB Serial Port" to Windows, Mac and Linux computers. An INF file is required for windows, no driver is required for Mac or Linux. Windows computers will create a **COM** port, Mac/Linux will create a device under **/dev/cu.usbserialXX** or similar, run **dmesg **right after plugging in to see what the device is called. With USB, use any terminal progam to connect at any baud rate to the port and send text and command data. The baud rate is not used for USB so just connect at 9600 or whichever is easiest.
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/back.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/back_t.jpg?nolink&500x385 |}}]]
You can also connect with the TTL serial input. This is the red/black/white cable. Power is provided by connecting the black wire to ground and the red wire to +5V. The white cable is the 5V TTL serial input. By default, the backpack is configured for 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit. You can configure the baud rate if you need faster/slower TTL interface. When powered, the backpack will blink the baud rate onto the display for 100 milliseconds so if you're ever really confused, connect while watching the display. You can always connect with USB (baud rate is not used for USB) and reset the baud rate there.
For hard-wiring the USB connection, there is a USB breakout in the standard '5x1' pinout for red, black, white, and green USB wires. For hardwiring the TTL connection, there are breakouts for the RX and TX pin. along the edge of the PCB
==== Solder on display ====
The first step is to solder a character LCD display onto the backpack. Remember that only **character** type displays are supported, and they can be up to 20x4 in size but no larger. [[http://www.adafruit.com/category/63_96|All Adafruit character displays work ]]but we can't guarantee any others will work!
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/parts.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/parts_t.jpg?nolink&500x385 |}}]]
The backpack comes with a piece of header you can use to fit the display on. Its handy to have a solderless breadboard to attach the header on straight. Break off the header so that it matches the number of pins on your LCD
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/header.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/header_t.jpg?nolink&500x324 |}}]]
Place the header with the long side down into a breadboard. then place the LCD on top. If you're using an LCD with two rows available, make sure you're using the row that matches the image below.
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/breadboard.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/breadboard_t.jpg?nolink&500x336 |}}]]
Solder all the headers on with your iron.
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/solder.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/solder_t.jpg?nolink&500x343 |}}]]
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/soldered.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/soldered_t.jpg?nolink&500x317 |}}]]
Next, align the backpack so that it matches up with the corner of the LCD, the hole in the backpack should be in the same location
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/backpackon.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/backpackon_t.jpg?nolink&500x283 |}}]]
Solder the backpack on completely
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/backpacked.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/backpacked_t.jpg?nolink&500x248 |}}]]
Thats it!
==== Sending text ====
To display text, just send ASCII characters! There are a few special characters to note:
***New line character (0x0A or '\n'**) will fill the rest of the current row with spaces (to blank it) and move to the next line
***Carriage return (0x0D or '\r')** is not listened to
***Backspace (0x08) **will back up the character one space and replace the last character with a space to erase it.
There are also a bunch of special commands, see below for how to send those commands below.
The only character that is 'special' is **0xFE** which is the 'command start' character.
==== Testing with USB ====
The easiest way to test the LCD and backpack is to connect to it to your computer and send data with a terminal program.
Use any mini-B USB cable to connect to the backpack. If you're using windows, you'll need to point it to an INF driver file. See below in the download section for that INF file. Mac and Linux do not require a driver.
After the backpack is plugged in, it will create a serial port. Under windows this is called a **COM port**. You can look in the **Device Manager->Ports** to see what the name of the COM port created is. You should see an entry appear/disappear when connecting the USB cable.
{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/backpackCOM.gif?nolink&411x521 |}}
For mac/linux, once you have plugged in the cable, run **dmesg** to see what the name of the port is, probably something like **/dev/cu.usbmodem-XXXX** or similar. You can also type **ls /dev/cu.*** into a **Termnal** window and see what items appear/disappear when the cable is connected and unplugged.
{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/arduino/lscu.jpg?nolink&503x252 |}}
Now that the port is known, you can use your favorite terminal program to connect. For this example, we'll use the basic terminal built into Arduino. The only downside of the serial port monitor is that you can only send a full string at a time and there's a new line at the end. If you are using a more powerful monitor such as CoolTerm (mac) or RealTerm (Windows) you can watch as each character is entered
Start by selecting the same COM serial port that belongs to the backpack
{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/comselect.gif?nolink&385x208 |}}
Open the serial port monitor and type Hello World! into the text box
{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/helloworldterm.gif?nolink&432x197 |}}
Once you hit **Send** it will transfer the text to the backpack, and it will appear. Thats it!
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/helloworld.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/helloworld_t.jpg?nolink&500x253 |}}]]
==== Testing with TTL serial ====
Next we will demonstrate how to send text and commands using an Arduino microcontroller. You can of course use any microcontroller that has a serial output you can configure for 9600 baud. This demo will show how to set the display size, RGB backlight and create a custom character. For more commands, see below for the full list of supported commands
Grab an Arduino and connect the JST cable to the backpack as follows: Red wire goes to +5V, Black wire goes to Ground, White data wire goes to digital #2. You can change the digital pin later, but stick with #2 for this example and adjust later as desired.
You should see the following, with a color-changing background:
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/ttltest.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbseriallcdbackpack/ttltest_t.jpg?nolink&500x577 |}}]]
==== Command Reference ====
The command set is based on the Matrix Orbital specification. We added a few commands to support the RGB backlight and to adjust the size of the display (so one firmware can support 16x2 or 20x4) If you're using software that support Matrix Orbital displays, this backpack should work identically (if not, please let us know!)
All commands start with the special character **0xFE** (in hex) which tells the backpack to watch for a special command next.
Basic commands:
***Display On - 0xFE 0x42