==== Introduction ====
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbdcsolarlipo/inuse.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbdcsolarlipo/inuse_t.jpg?nolink&500x385 |}}]]
Make your projects to go green this summer with our specialized USB/Solar Lithium Ion Polymer Battery charger! This charger is a very unique design, perfect for outdoor projects, or DIY iPod chargers. We've spent over a year testing and tinkering with this charger to come up with a plug and play solution to charging batteries with the sun and we're really pleased with what we ended up with.
Want it simple? [[http://www.adafruit.com/category/44|Pick up any of our many 3.7V/4.2V LiIon batteries]], and a[[http://www.adafruit.com/category/67| 6V solar panel]]. Plug the battery into the **BATT** port using a 2-pin JST cable and the solar panel into the DC jack. Put the solar panel outside (and keep the battery out of the sun, it needs to be kept shaded!) to start charging. You can power another project like a Mintyboost at the same time by connecting to the **LOAD** output port
***3.7V/4.2V Lithium Ion or Lithium Polymer battery charger**
***Charge with 5-6V DC, USB or solar panel!**
***Too dark out?** Use a [[http://www.adafruit.com/products/260|USB mini-B cable]] or a [[http://www.adafruit.com/products/276|5V DC adapter]]
***Automatic charging current tracking for high efficiency use of any wattage solar panel**
***Use any 5-6V solar panel **(6V seems to work best)
***Three color indicator LEDs **- Power good, Charging and Done
***Low Battery Indicator **(fixed at 3.1V) with LED output
***Set for 500mA max charge rate**, can be adjusted from 50mA up to 1A by soldering in a resistor
***Will always draw the most current possible from a solar cell** - up to the max charge rate!
***Smart load sharing** automatically uses the input power when available, to keep battery from constantly charging/discharging
***Temperature monitoring **of battery by [[http://www.adafruit.com/products/372|soldering in a 10K NTC thermistor]] (not included) - suggested for outdoor projects where the battery may get hot (50°C) or cold (0°C).
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbdcsolarlipo/solarmintyboost.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbdcsolarlipo/solarmintyboost_t.jpg?nolink |}}]]
//A solar-powered mintyboost!//
[[http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbdcsolarlipo/usbsolarlipoback.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/usbdcsolarlipo/usbsolarlipoback_t.jpg?nolink&500x400 |}}]]
//PCB reverse//